Society, Technology and Environment


The graduate Program in Society, Technology and Environment (PPSTMA) is linked to the The Associate Provost Office for Graduate Studies, Research, Extension Courses and Community Outreach (ProPPE), of UniEVANGÉLICA. It consists of academic Master’s program and application in progress for New Course Proposal NPCA / CAPES for a Doctorate program.

Our Master’s Program has its area of concentration in Society, Technology and Environment and has two research lines:

Society and Environment

It covers the comprehension of social, political, economic and cultural relations with spatial occupation, with protection of natural resources and biodiversity, etnoconservation, environmental legislation, environmental history, sustainability and democratic governance.

Technology and Environment

It turns to the appropriation and development of technologies applicable in environmental studies, with an emphasis on geoprocessing, use and occupation of land, biodiversity, bioprospecting, ecology, bioremediation and biotechnology, epidemiology and surveillance of infectious, parasitic and emerging diseases.

It is linked to a multidisciplinary area in Environmental Sciences at the Coordination for the improvement of Higher Education Personnel – CAPES, and gives graduated students the title of MASTER IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES.