• 04/12/2017

The University Center of Anápolis – UniEVANGÉLICA has expanded the number of agreements and partnerships with universities and organizations from different countries. This is the result of the internationalization process experienced by the institution, expanding its borders and increasing possibilities of sending and receiving students and, for teachers and researchers to conduct their studies and research.

For the Rector of UniEVANGÉLICA, Dr. Carlos Hassel Mendes, this stage of history of the institution deserves emphasis: “We started with our international visits, which still had a missionary nature and had a confessional character. We went to India, China, the US, visiting Christian universities in order to bring international experiences,” he says.

Strengthening the internationalization process, in 2013 the International Affairs Center was created – NAI. For the Rector, “a milestone in history of the University Center of Anápolis.” NAI is composed by International Academic Coordination, coordinated by Prof. Marisa Mota da Silva Espíndola and International Humanitarian Projects Coordination, coordinated by Rocindes José Corrêa. Today there are several international agreements between UniEVANGÉLICA and International Education Institutions.

Currently, UniEVANGÉLICA receives representatives of various organizations and universities from abroad who come to carry out part of their studies or research in Brazil. Students, researchers and teachers of international institutions participate in academic Mobility Programs, Educational Exchanges, Master Program and Research Projects at University Center of Anápolis.

Similarly, it is growing the number of teachers, students and researchers of UniEVANGÉLICA that are participating in activities in countries around the world, such as exchanges, presentations at conferences, postgraduate courses, research activities and publication of articles in international journals.

“This exchange of experiences is fundamental to the process of internationalization. In this context, our scholars are privileged with this door that opened. And if the student wants, he or she has this international experience that greatly enriches their curriculum. Within the context of globalization it is essential. This international experience is an advantage for any curriculum,” said the Rector of UniEVANGÉLICA, Dr. Carlos Hassel Mendes.

Dr. Carlos Mendes Hassel still details that UniEVANGÉLICA is prepared to receive foreign students, qualifying its professionals and expanding the academic structure of the institution: “The presence of international students within the university implies changes to receive these students in a different way and, is an incentive for faculty to open their perspective for understanding this process and get trained,” says.

The Language Centre offers a qualification opportunity in the second language, which contributes to improve communication among employees and students.

“Despite of this process being recent, we have already walked a lot and have a considerable history already. And we will continue growing over the coming years.” he concludes.

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